Domain & Website Brokers


Premium Domain Name Representation

Looking to Sell a Domain?

QEIP Domain Appraisal ©

(In partnership with DOTDB)

Our tool was made to value .COM domains so it is most accurate for this purpose, although it can give a valuation for any domain. If your .COM domain gets valued above $10,000, then please apply below to have us sell it.

Long Term Price Suggestion


Short Term Price Suggestion


The QEIP Difference:

  1. 100% confidential process

  2. Extensive network of online investors for quick sale.

  3. Extensive experience in sales & brokering high value digital assets.

100% Success-Based Fee Structure:

  1. 10% for 2 letter .com domains.

  2. 15% commission for 3 letter .com & one word .com domains

  3. 20% commission for all other domain types ($500 min. fee)

  4. 25% commission for all leasing deals.

Domains that Qualify for Brokerage:

  • One Word .COM (ie.

  • 2-3 letter .COM (ie.

  • Any Other High Value Domains

    • 2-4 number .COM (No mixing with numbers allowed unless it is 2 characters - ie.

    • Select dictionary term 2-3 word .COMs (Must be aged with high traffic & keyword searches - ie.

    • Only the very best of 4 letter .com domains allowed (ie.

  • Domain Portfolios

    • 5000-100,000+ Domain Portfolios

    • Detailed sales records needed showing at least 10% cap rate

The Process (Post-Submission):

1. Evaluation - Our team determines whether or not your domains meet our standard of brokerage.

2. Pricing - We help you to price them and we will start the process to create individual listings for each one on our website (to be published after contract is submitted).

3. Contract - Once we’ve identified that your domains fit our standards of brokerage and that their pricing is potentially achievable, we will direct you to our brokerage contract link which is where you will finalize your brokerage (which will allow us to begin work!).

4. Listing - We use online advertising, phone calls, and emails directed towards investors & companies in order to reach the right buyers for your digital assets. In this, we offer three main services to help sell your domain:

  • Inbound - With the purpose of maximizing interest generated from inbound offers, we will list your domain name on a custom landing page, suggest a price, and manage your leads from negotiation to closing of escrow.

  • Outbound - In order to generate offers for your domain, we use a corporate sales approach to identify business professionals in related companies would want the domain.

  • Auctioning/Newsletter - As applicable, we can list your domains for auction through our 3rd party partners and include your domain in our newsletter and potentially some of our partners (both at no extra cost)

5. Closing - Once we give you an offer that is satisfactory to you, we begin the process of escrow where the transaction is done through (or another trusted escrow provider) and you are paid immediately after the domain is transferred.

Apply to have your domains be exclusively represented by QEIP

Applying to have us represent your high value domains means you want to give QEIP an exclusive contract to sell the domains at a certain price for a renewable period 6 months or until sold (with shorter 1 month brokerages offered in select times of liquidation). Exclusive means that all domains under brokerage can only be offered for sale by QEIP during this period and must be pointing to QEIP landing pages. If this doesn’t sound alright, please do not apply. Thank you for your time.